The tribes are paying the state of Arkansas up to five times as much of the disputed fees here in Oklahoma, 4-10%. They are building a $300 million dollar casino resort, which should be completed by this summer. The Quapaw tribe has already secured a license and is operating a casino, in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Stitt asking federal court to shut down Class III casino gaming The Cherokee Nation, The Quapaw, and the Choctaw tribe all have plans to do work outside of Oklahoma, in the state of Arkansas. That’s wonderful,” explained Cherokee Chief Chuck Hoskin, Jr.
“I think it reflects how strong we are as a gaming operation that we can go into any market in this country I think and compete and win, create a great opportunity, a great business and bring those dollars back home. (KTUL) - The Oklahoma Native American tribes are not waiting to settle the dispute in Oklahoma, before they expand out of the state.